I feel like we are nearing the end of this project. FINALLY, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are finally down to a realistic and manageable time line and amount of work left to be completed. If push came to shove we could handle completing these remaining items ourselves, not that we'd want to but just the same. I'll start with a grand plan and then a trip back in time and then current events.
Let's start with the floor plan for the house.
Now, way way back when we bought the house, the master looked like this. Entry door on the far right (just to the left of the stairs if you're following along), bathroom door in the middle, closet #1 on the left. There's another larger closet in this room that would be on the bottom right of this pic. Now, part of this room is now Jonas's room. This closet was demo'd and the bathroom door was moved, and the entry way was turned into an extension of the hallway. That will make more sense later.
So here's what you saw (minus the closet because it had already been removed in this pic) when you looked into the entry door before the addition.
So here's a not so great pic of what that same entry way looks like now. The doorway is gone and it's smooth and open up to the ceiling. The door to what is now Jonas's room is on the left and the door to the master suite is straight ahead. The original bathroom door used to be in the area that's on the right, but as you can see, that's been closed in.
If you open the master door, this is what you see. We demo'd the original small closet to make room for the hallway, but we added a new closet to take its place that is on the other side and goes into Jonas's room (sorry Jonas). The new door for the bathroom is pretty much where the doorway for the old closet was and is now a pocket door so that you're not opening a door in a hallway or swinging it into the tub. Henry's office door is the next one down the line (also a pocket door) and the master closet is all the way at the end on the right.
This is what you see when you look at the wall with the closet and his office. It's very similar to what it looked like in the original master. We chose to do that both because it made sense, and because it kept the feel of the house similar to the original. Now that white thing on the wall between the doors, that's the new mini split system that will heat and cool the new area. I have a love hate relationship with it. I love the fact that we can control the temp in that room independently of the rest of the house, but I hate looking at it. I know they're all the rage in Europe, but I think that here in the U.S. we don't want to see the mechanical workings of the house so it's sort of a functional yet sleek eye sore in the room. No we couldn't use the existing unit/duct work for this room nor could we put it anywhere else in the room, trust me I asked. The external part of the unit is outside next to the big unit for the house, which is pretty much right under H's window so the line set to the new unit had to be there.
I've painted so much in the last week and a half, it's not even funny. We were going to hire a painter and got his very reasonable estimate, but decided that it was money that we could shave off the budget so we are doing it ourselves and by ourselves I mean mostly me. Henry helped prime but he has to do that whole work thing during the day so he's been watching the kids when they weren't somewhere else (yay for neighbors!) so he's not able to paint. The trim and electrical things have been installed and we're waiting for the flooring guys to come, then we can get a final inspection and move in!
In other news, the outside of the house is coming together and we finally have siding on the chimney, YAY! Here are some current pics of the house. I'll even give you some way way back ones to compare.
Here we have how the house looked when we bought it, then how it looked when we started construction.

And here we have it now! We still don't have the new front door in, but it should be here next week.It's really going to make a huge difference inside and out since it has full glass. It will give a totally different look and feel to the outside of the house and provide much needed light to the hallway. As an added bonus, if you're coming around the stairs you'll be able to tell if you're about to get hit in the face with the front door. #awkwardentry. I totally love that the porch goes all the way across now. It's super nice when you're standing on the porch as it gives it that warm inviting country feel, not that country is the style or goal of our house. It's also great so that you can hustle under a covered area faster if you drive up and it's raining, and you can go from the front door to my office without getting wet or going through the bathroom. It even looks awesome in the dark because we got some snazzy new lights! There are now TWO on the front porch, and a much larger matching single one on the back of the house. It's like the liiiiight of the suuuuun!

Oh, I almost forgot, here's my painting list. Shoot me now! It's almost done though. Ssshhh, just let me think that.
~ Kellie~