Friday, March 18, 2011

The good, the bad, and the progress

I mentioned a few days ago that we were getting new flooring to replace the pink carpet. We have shuffled the budget and decided to do that next month instead of this month, afterall we've lived with it this long so what's another month. Now some might think that's a horrible thing, but it's not and here's why.
  1. We have a puppy and he's still piddling on the floor sometimes. Rather than take a chance on ruining my new floor, I will just shampoo all of our carpet one last time and then throw it all out. It will give him an extra month to get things together and maybe be a little more housebroken. GOOD
  2. Since we aren't blowing the whole budget on flooring, I will be able to do other smaller things that we were going to have to wait to do. GOOD + PROGRESS
  3. It keeps me grounded and makes me realize that things take time and you have to be patient and willing to adapt. I once dated a guy who said "patience is a virtue that you do not readily possess". He was right and I'm trying to work on it.
So this morning, my little home improvement protege and I are off to shop! We will be hitting Goodwill, Joann, and Hobby Lobby. I have coupons for those last two. :) After we return, I will let you know of my spoils and you can rejoice with me that I saves at least 40% on everything. Mwahahaha!

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