The Evolution of the Fridge
Let's start off with the "Bachelor" fridge that we had when we got married. It was the one Henry bought to go in his apartment. I think this one was 16 cubic feet?
After Kinsley was born and started eating baby food (which I made and froze in ice cube trays) the fridge's small size became super apparent. Things started literally falling out of the fridge and freezer every time we opened it. After one particular incident with this, I had had it. I got on craigslist and tried to find one like what we thought we wanted (a freezer on the bottom) at a cheap price. Size was the main issue though. We wound up with this one, that was 22 cubic feet.
It filled the space where the fridge is meant to go nicely, and offered the space we needed. The guy we got it from was an appliance repair guy and he got it because it was broken and the "real" part to fix it was more exspensive than a new fridge so he put an "it will work" part in it and resold it. We knew this going in, and he showed up how to adjust it if need be. He also delivered it, installed it, hauled off our old one, and did a "trade" on the fridge so all in all we came out pretty good price wise. The downside to buying a rigged fridge is just that, it's rigged. We are glad that we bought the fridge because it helped us see where we really wanted to go with it. We are very "get something that is a good representation of what you want to see if you like it before you invest the big bucks in the real thing" kind of people. So when we came home and our fridge (but not freezer???) was dead, we were forced to go fridge shopping. Thank God for emergency funds is all I've got to say. We hit the internet to check prices and styles. We went to Lowes- didn't have what we wanted in our price range, Sears- which has the commercial out that is a total lie because their prices were higher AND they were going to charge us $70 to deliver it!!, and Home Depot- jackpot all the way around. I should add that we have gotten all of our appliances thus far at HD because of quality, price, and service. We have even always purchased from the same sales guy. We were fortunate that we were shopping on the 4th of July so SALE! right up front. We found a fridge we loved, and started contemplating color. I had thought white initially because the rest of our appliances (which we want to replace because they are base models) are white, but then I started thinking about the "big picture" and where we wanted to go design wise because we were not getting a new fridge later just to have a different color. I moved my thinking to black because black is usually the same price as white, and the stove I have my eye on (also at HD) is black and stainless. We looked at the stove and chatted for a second and agreed that though black would match better than white, it would be a big black light sucking appliance. We timidly asked how much more it would be for stainless which would reflect light and match the stove better anyway. SCORE! it was the exact same price (though it usually wasn't)! WOOT! We purchased it on the spot and had to wait 3 days for it to be delivered because it was a special order.
So here we have our final fridge purchase for a while I hope. It has a whopping 26 cubic feet of space. Unless I'm lying without knowing it.

We are in love with our new fridge and it makes the kitchen look less crappy eventhough we still have the crappy cabinets. I'm still pondering what I want to do with them until we remodel. I should add that in addition to getting the fridge on sale, and the free stainless upgrade (only the doors are stainless, the rest is regular fridge enamel in gray), we also got credit on our Home Depot Gas card and were able to put gas in our cars for 2.29/ gallon. Sadly there was a 20 gallon limit though :( Still, that was another nice savings. When the fridge was delivered, it had a small dent in the side (it was brand new and supposed to be in a box!) but it was on the side that goes next to the cabinet. The guy said he could either take it back and re-order another one, or give me a credit. You can't see it because of location, it is small (watch the loading will ya'?) and I had been living out of 2 coolers with 3 kids for 3 days. The ice was all melting and we couldn't really buy food so I took the credit which was pretty nice so score once again! I'm still waiting for the refund check.
In addition to the fridge, I also scored a sweet deal from a friend on some lighting. Here's a couple of before (left) and afters (right).
Now my cool stainless look is carried into the dining room too. I also have a matching light in a different style that I want to install in the stairway, but that is another blog because I need parts and time and help. Stay tuned though ;) FYI, due to our attempt to reuse everything we take down (at least until we upgrade past it), the crazy black chandelier now lives in the office in place of the lonely light bulb fixture that had no shade or globe because it was originally a garage light. It's nice and bright in there now. I think we might need dimmers for both lights though, it might be just a little too bright...
Kellie, all your renovations make me tired. :). Congrats on your baby boy. Hope all goes well!