So the floors are all finished now. They aren't perfect, and we don't have the baseboards back down, but whatever. We'll get there eventually, and then the remodel will be pretty much complete. We still have to paint them but we wanted to take a little break and it's been too humid for them to dry anyway so that's our story and we're sticking to it! So here are the pics that I took of the kitchen since it's finished. It's amazing how much bigger and more open the house looks now that the floors are all the same downstairs. I'm also amazed at how updated the house looks since we went back to basics. I think

of hardwood floors (even our fake ones) as old school. I think of beige paint as builder basic. I think that back in the day, hardwood floors and beige paint were the only options people really had to choose from. It was that or nothing. Fast forward many years to a time when you can have almost any color and type of flooring and wall covering you want, and people are scurrying back to basic. Maybe it's because life has gotten so complicated that we need some plain basic things to even everything out. Anyway, the flooring project is done for now and we're settling back into a normal routine. We did have one last tiny detail to hammer out the night that we finished the floors, and it really didn't have anything to do with the floors. Well, sorta but anyway. You see, we got a new fridge a while back, and it
barely fit in the space allotted. Since it fit, we were good. The problem came when, you guessed it, we installed the new floors and ate up some of the fraction of an inch of space that we had between the bottom

of the cabinet and the top of the fridge. So there we were, 8:00 at night, high-fiving because the job was done, we slide the oven back (which had been in the middle of the floor cooking pizza while we worked), things are looking great, we slide the fridge back, thud. I mean the fridge was hitting the cabinet like maybe 1/16 of an inch too high. GRR!! I got out the sander and we mostly fixed the problem. It's not as good as it should be, and it's not even, but it was late and we were tired and we just wanted to go to bed. So here is the
tiny gap between the fridge and the cabinet. I think it may actually still be scraping there in the middle but we don't care at this moment. That's another one of those little things we'll eventually get to, maybe. All in all we are happy with the floors. It drives me nuts that they are kinda loud when you walk on them, and that the slab isn't even so the floor isn't even in some spots, and that they have to be cleaned every day or you get crumbs and dust on your feet, and that we have to keep a mop handy for doggy drool and spills, but the fact that they are new, neutral, not pink carpet, and can actually really be cleaned is worth it. When Henry gets big enough to be in a walker he's going to have a blast. That statement makes me laugh because it could be thought of two different ways. Anyway, when we get a few more things done in the house, we're having a party! A thank the Lord that we have the skills to pull off everything that we have, and that we found a way to pay for it all without taking out a loan. Yay debt free!! -Kellie-
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