We took yesterday off to hang out and recuperate. Today we are back at it, but we are switching gears and doing something different. We have a flower bed on one side of the house that is filled to the gills with lilies and cannas. They are so thick that the flowers don't really even bloom anymore, not to mention that there are ornamental strawberries and some other vine junk all in them. It's a mess. We have decided to expand our landscaping to the other side of the house to even things out. By installing the new flower bed, we will be able to dig up, divide, and transplant the flowers (and clean out the vines) to make 2 healthy beds. Yay free landscaping! We did have to buy the edging, and we will buy mulch, but all in all it's pretty cheap for a big impact. Yesterday, my father in law brought his tiller over and we tilled up along the side of the house. This is sort of a bonus project that we decided to throw into the mix for fun. Since we had the major tilling done, we were raking out the grass and breaking up some larger clumps. We didn't get to till it too much since we were having the birthday party not to mention that it started to rain :( We both mentioned that it sure would be nice to have a small tiller to hit it again and really break it up into finer soil. Me: I don't think those little tillers are all that expensive, maybe we should just go buy one and do a better job. Henry: That would be nice, but our budget says we just have to do it by hand. *sigh*
So here are pics of what we did.
This is the area that Henry's dad tilled up for us.
This side of the house had no landscaping at all. |
This is the other side of the house.
It had waaaay too many lilies and cannas. |
More cannas & lilies. |
This "bump out" will eventually
have a nice weeping cherry or
something similar. |
This is the side of the house with the new bed. It still needs
mulch, but when the plants start to grow it will really fill in .
This is the side of the house that had all the lilies and cannas.
There were so many that I replanted this bed, filled the new bed,
and gave some to my neighbor. I'm hoping that they will have
enough room to grow and bloom now.
You might not notice, but we painted the ceiling white.
Tomorrow it will get a second coat. P.S. Don't mock my crappy
paint job on the wall, I'm going to paint the walls anyway so I
wasn't really careful when I painted the ceiling.
Tomorrow I will second coat the ceiling I did today, first coat the ceiling in the living room where I will have to be much more careful with my paint because I don't have anymore of that paint to touch up :-/ , and we will begin priming the cabinets! YAY!! Today I feel productive and hopeful. I'm beginning to get excited because I can see things going up instead of coming down.
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