Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Downstairs remodel- DAY 1

Today is Wednesday, and Henry has taken Thursday and Friday off work, as well as all of next week. We have made a short list of projects that we'd like to complete during that time, and since the boys will be out of school for Spring Break, they will go to my mom's so that we can really tear through some of this. Kinsley goes to the neighbor's on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and she still takes a nap each day. We are hoping to keep her and the dog out of paint. We shall see. Anyway, since he will be off tomorrow, we plan to:
  1. Sand the cabinets
  2. Check out and purchase paint
  3. Purchase cabinet trim
  4. Do a little work to the cabinets before we paint them
That means that today's project is to clear out the space. I'm packing up the kitchen. I'm not doing a super job as I'm only moving things to the living room and they will only have to be there... a week+? No more than 2 weeks I hope. I would also like to remove the cabinet doors and drawers. I have started packing already, and I'm choosing to take this opportunity to purge and clean. I'll be honest, I don't clean on top of the cabinets very often, and I've already found some tupperware without lids. Straight to the trash for those items. I'm sure that I'll find things I forgot I had. I am not ashamed to admit that I am using plastic bags to "pack" plastic or non breakable things.
I should also add that Kinsley's birthday is Friday and her party is Saturday. Henry asked if I wanted to wait until after that  to start all this, but there's no time like the present and we need to utilize all of the time we have so that this remodel doesn't go on forever. Some of the details are already likely to get put off until a later date. (I have this crazy detail plan for the stairs but shhhhh). Besides, our families know that this is how we roll and I'd rather them see progress than more of the same ;) We actually started little bits of renovation last week, but I'll blog about them later. In case I didn't say it before, I am NOT looking forward to these renovations because I know it's going to take a looong time, but it's time to get them done. Today, I'm feeling hopeful that it will go faster and easier than I think it might.

Post post note
Things I found while cleaning out the cabinets
  1. We have lots of beer and wine glasses, though I'm not sure why. We also have NO margaritta glasses, but I plan to remedy that after this is all over with and I purchase some to celebrate our success.
  2. We have alot of medications in the cabinets. I'm not sure why they are in the kitchen, probably for convenience.
  3. Caramel Marshmallows
  4. 2 count them, 2 GIANT chocolate bars. Please don't revoke my girl card for having forgotten chocolate in the house. 
  5. Attachments for my stand mixer. Now these weren't lost as I haven't been looking for them, but it is good to know where they are, er, were.
  6. Random kitchen gadgets that I don't ever use but have "just in case". I might get rid of some of these in the yard sale we intend to have soon. 
  7. Gumbo base, SCORE!
  8. Random condiments, I'm checking expiration dates...

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