Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dodging the droplets

It's been raining off and on for days. I'm kinda sick of it as it makes the grass grow faster and need mowing which you can't do because it's either too wet or still raining. In addition to that, it makes the house dark and the sound of rain is so lulling that it makes me want to be seriously unproductive. I'm fighting the urge to spend yet another day on the couch in my pajamas watching tv, so I got up this morning, took a shower, and put on real clothes. That's a start, right? I also realized that we were out of food and therefore, a trip to the grocery was in order. I made my list, and when it looked like the morning storms had passed, I grabbed the baby and headed out. The sun was shining when I went into the store. About 3/4 of the way through, I heard this noise... I was seriously hoping that it was the air conditioning kicking on, but alas it was not. I checked out, pondering how I was going to get to the car in the pouring rain. I knew that if I could just make it there, by opening the trunk on my minivan I would be under a canopy of sorts, and could unload the cart in the dry. Luckily, it was only normal raining by the time I headed out to the door. Here are a few issues that I had while at the store, and while leaving the store:
1. Kinsley is teething and she cried in the store. I consoled her by opening a box of vanilla wafers and letting her eat them while I shopped.
2. I forgot to print coupons, and when the cashier told me how much it was I almost passed out. I am SO watching that couponing show on TLC tonight. Maybe I will get motivated?
3. When getting dressed this morning, I put on my cotton cargo pants and ballet slippers. That would have been fine except that the pants are a little long which I thought "no problem, I'll just roll them up a little", and the rolling up wouldn't stay.
4. Since my pants wouldn't stay rolled up, when I ran out to the car I walked all over them making them a soggy mess.
5. While doing said running with a full cart+ my too long and soggy pants that I was stepping on+ my semi slippery bottomed ballet shoes+ the wet pavement with puddles, I almost couldn't stop my cart when I got to my car.
6. While I did have the foresight to park right next to the buggy return, which I try to do so that I don't have to leave my kids in the car while I return the cart, I didn't think (since it was sunny when I got there) about the fact that I had also parked on a slope and that my left front  tire was almost on the huge drainage grate. This made #5 all the more interesting, and when a car came by it caused a wake in the rushing water going to the grate right under my car. Luckily I was able to jump back out of the way and save my shoes from filling with water.
7. I also realized after opening the trunk, that I had the cargo area filled with baseball junk and the boxes that I needed to take to Goodwill. This forced me to fold down the back seat and try to stack the groceries in such a way that they would not spill onto the floor or crush my bread. Tetris anyone?
After my ordeal with loading the car, I slipped my cart into the return and slammed the trunk. I was thankful that we had a van and I could open the side door and jump in with the baby, thereby staying dry as I buckled her in. By the time I got home, the rain had all but stopped and I was able to unload the car in the dry. There you have it, my failed attempt at shopping between the storms. :-P

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