Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Recent "work" projects

As you know, I have an Etsy store that I peddle my wares on. In addition to that, I also make some things for friends and acquaintances. Here are a few of my recent projects. Some I got paid for and some were gifts.

Here are a few burp cloths and a "big sister" bag I did as gifts.

I plan on adding items like this to my Etsy store, and you readers can certainly request anything that I post. :)

My nephew's birthday was the other day and he is way into super heroes, so I whipped him up these capes and mask.

The mask is foam with elastic and velcro straps so that it's comfortable, and the capes are twill so they are light but sturdy. The "S" is an embroidered applique. The capes (which I made myself) feature ties sewn to elastic that go around the neck. The elastic provides some give in case he wants to take off the cape but can't untie it, or in case he steps on it or something. I also added mitten clips to the cape in case he doesn't like the string around his neck.

I also got a paid gig doing a few shirts for some ladies in Henry's fire academy group.

I have to admit that I am somewhat impressed by my own work. I applaud my own creativity and talent and I don't mean that in a cocky egotistical way, I am merely acknowledging my skills. I guess some would say that's pride in one's work.

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