Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The truck stop in my house

When you have kids, you get alot of advice and warnings such as what what diapers are good and "just wait until..." respectively, but there are some things that people don't tell you. For example, Magic Erasers are a must for crayon marks and grimey fingerprints, and boys are just gross. I realize that last one may depend on the individual child and varies with age, but at some point your son (if you have one) will be gross. They will burp or pass gas at the dinner table and then talk about it and the three dead worms they saw at recess, forcing you to end the conversation if you are to be able to continue eating. They will wipe their noses on their sleeves until it looks like they were attacked by a mob of angry slugs. They will step in something gross and then smell their shoe. While all of those things are gross and disgusting, the thing that they do that grosses me out most is whatever it is that they do in the bathroom to make it smell that way. No other room in our house has the near constant stench that the boys bathroom does. I swear to you, it's like a truck stop. I may have actually been in truck stops that are cleaner. Their room has this funny "boy" smell, but that bathroom, yuck! Now I realize that it seems that this problem could be solved with more cleaning. I am here to tell you that the amount of cleaning that I do to that room is irrelevant and makes little to no difference in the air quality. So in my attempt to deoderize the offending room, I scrubbed every surface in there and replaced the old "laminated" toilet seat with a nice new solid plastic one. It even has a twist lock hinge feature so that when cleaning the toilet you can flip these little things and take the seat off to clean under it. Trust me, after seeing what was living under the old hinges...  Anyway, I also added a plug in scented oil thing to help combat the "boy smell". Here's hopin' that the truck stop will truck on outta here.

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