Monday, April 20, 2015

Social Media Scouting

I got a good chuckle this morning followed by a hmm and then a oh hell no! as I was checking facebook. Apparently, word of my awesomeness has spread and facebook is picking up what I'm putting down because I got a "suggested post" for painters. Not to hire a painter, to BE a painter. There's a company looking to hire 4+ guys that have to come with their own tools and "whites" and the pay is $15-$18/hour based on experience. Let's cover the points of this ad, shall we?

  1. I'm hoping that they are using the term "guys" loosely because almost anything a guy can do I can do. That whole peeing while standing up thing is a little challenging but aside from that...
  2. I do in fact have my own tools. I have my own brushes, my own roller handles, my own extension handle, poor spouts, can openers, stir sticks, drill paddle and drill for when I get tired of stirring by hand, and step stools and ladders. Heck, I even ALMOST sucked it up and bought one of those multi position ladders on sale the other day. If they still have some on what has become my daily trip to Home Depot, I might have one by the end of the day because we have stairs and I'm not that poor. 
  3. I don't own any "whites". I paint in whatever the crappiest clean to semi clean because I wore it painting the day before while painting clothing I have available is. That includes but is not limited to gym shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, and yoga pants. I've thought about getting some overalls, but the 80s and 90s called and they wanted their clothes back. There was a time when I wore overalls religiously, but that ship has sailed. They also were not white. 
  4. Let's talk about this experience thing. I have experience painting. In fact, I have a lot of experience especially lately. I don't get paid to paint, but I'm willing to bet that I can paint almost as well if not as well as some of those who do. You see, something that I've learned during all of this remodeling is that just because you pay a professional to do something doesn't mean that they will do a better job than what you could have done yourself. It also doesn't mean that they will get it done faster either because they have other jobs to start and work on and finish, so you get put in their queue as opposed to everything else getting dropped because it needs to get done. That's understandable and how a professional service works and I'm not faulting them for that, I'm just saying that you have to remember that you're just another job on the way to yet another job so you need to accept that before you hire someone. My next point is very important so pay close attention. 
Professional does NOT mean perfectionist!!!

Are those who do things all the time faster and more practiced? Theoretically yes, but it still doesn't mean that they will show up first thing in the morning work until dark or the job is complete  or complete it in half the time it would have taken you. It also does not mean that they will not make mistakes and that your house will look like a movie set when they are finished. They are human and it's a job in their queue. Most will slap things together just like you would because they want to get it done and get paid and move on. Did we hire painters? No, and from what I've see that the other professionals did, I'm glad that I saved that three grand. Did the other professionals do bad jobs? Well some did, yes, but most only did good enough. We had a few guys that really hustled and we're amazed at their work and we actually monetarily tipped them for their work ethic and a job well done, but the rest, meh. I'll be posting some ratings and contact information later on. Now, I'm off to paint! ~Kellie~

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